Sunday, October 12, 2008

A little vacation of sorts

I just got back from our Sunday night training class at church and Pastor Brandon asked us to fast and pray for some things going on at our church and for breakthrough. I don't know anyone who likes to fast and I'm no exception, so when he said that, my heart sank a little. I know it's a powerful thing and almost always produces amazing results, but it's just not a lot of fun. And you know what is fun? Eating, that's what.

When someone mentions fasting, or when I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to do it, I always assume I won't be eating for a time. And when Brandon mentioned it tonight it was no different. I started mentally preparing myself for a week without food. That means that I immediately wondered what I had at my house that I could tear into and stuff myself with before Monday started. By the time I got home, though, I realized that this particular fast wasn't going to involve food. You'd think I would be a relieved. But actually it's worse because it involves my computer. More specifically, the turning off of my computer for a week. One whole week. [I haven't decided if I'm calling a week 5 days or 7, we'll see.]

I realized the other day that the first thing I do in the morning is check my e-mail and my blog list. I wouldn't feel so bad if I left the house everyday to go to work at an office where I could do things like that on my lunch break. But since I'm at my house all day long, and there's no, you know, time clock or anything, I get to where whenever I have a free moment, I'm on here. And no matter how free a moment is, it almost always turns into 30 or 60 get the idea.

So, I will not be seeing any of you, by way of blogs, for the next week. I guess this post is my way of eating my last meal before the fast. And you'd better believe I've already checked every blog I've ever looked at and stuffed myself full of words and pictures that I hope will last through the week. I feel like I'm saying farewell for much longer, but I'm just dramatic that way. I'm going to get a lot done around here, refocus and most important pray. And my church isn't the only thing that needs it right now. There's a lot going on in this country and around the world that could use some extra prayer coverage.

Until next week, peace out. [I can't believe I just typed that]


Unknown said...

That soooo ROCKS girl. Thanks for sharing it. And thanks for being so obedient to do so.
Let us know how it went.The entire week with no computer.

Mrs. SeƱora Cobbey said...

We'll miss you. Tell us what breakthroughs you see in the spiritual & physical world!

Becky and Bryan said...

That sounds like a great fast...I may need to do that one also!!!

AngiDe said...

Hey, thanks for coming by and entering my giveaway! Good luck!

"Nana's Box"

Anonymous said...

Ok, vacation is over! I want to see some pics or something.

Your sis

Brandi Wilson said...

Thank you Beth! I just got on here to tell you that your fast was over!

I don't care if you take a picture of your toenail clippings and put it on here...get something up! I don't like your blog at the end of my page from lack of posting!