Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and anything else I missed

Wow, what a break! My last post was a craft project I did as a Christmas gift to my girls and I didn't even end it with a Merry Christmas! I guess I was thinking I'd be back before now. Oops, I took a longer break than I expected.

This past holiday season was a little different than any I remember. Everyone I encountered seemed to be extremely laid back. It was like the Christmas season was happening in slow motion. I decided early on not to stress about the things that I normally stress about so that meant some things inevitably fell off my list. Things like putting out my favorite vintage silver Christmas tree, sending out Christmas cards and making salt dough ornaments. Oh well, in the end I didn't really miss those things. I just enjoyed relaxing with my family and doing a whole lot of nothing.

I'm not sure what I want my blog to look like this year other than a meandering stroll through the daily minutia of my life right now. I'd like to post my 52 Bites progress and maybe a craft now and then. I'm probably going to just let it happen as it happens. I'm learning to be a better planner, but right now, this blog is not one of the things I feel called to be intentional about. In saying that, I'm giving myself permission to let it go sometimes. I don't want to be up late trying to get a post finished for the next day when I have lesson plans to work on. Or laundry to finish. I don't want it to be an afterthought, it's just not at the top of my list right now.

That being said, I'd like to start this year off with a list. You know I love lists, and evidently, I'm passing that on to my children. Here's a list I found when I was cleaning my daughter's room over the holidays. It's one that my middle daughter, Autumn, made.

I don't know if she got distracted and wasn't able to finish it or if that's it. If it were me, I'd consider it done. After eating fudge for lunch, what else is there?!?


Anonymous said...

Is a "breakfist" the result of holding your cereal spoon too tight?

pamelotta said...

Haha, it sounds like it, doesn't it?!?